Presentation and services
The aim of the present document is to establish the regulations governing the use and protection of users of this website, www.palladiumweddings.com, belonging to FIESTA HOTELS & RESORTS, S.L. based in Avenida Bartolomé Roselló, 18, 07800 Ibiza (Balearic Islands), Spain, Tel. +34 971-313811 and Fax +34 971- 312964; company incorporated under Spanish Law and registered in the Register of Ibiza, tomo 166, libro 165, folio 220, hoja IB-402, Inscripción 16ª.

By accepting this legal notice, users of www.palladiumweddings.com recognize that the information and personal data supplied and collected are accurate and true, being collected for the purpose of the management and the organization of the services offered from this Web.

FIESTA HOTELS & RESORTS, S.L. offers its users through the website www.palladiumweddings.com information about its promotions, the organization of all services and events related to a wedding celebration, including the coordination of the ceremony, with the intention to improve the commercial relationship we have with our clients and efficiently managing the requests that they make. The information found on www.palladiumweddings.com of each service and package is only informative and in no case contractual.

Use of the www.palladiumweddings.com website
The user agrees to use the www.palladiumweddings.com webpage and the services offered to him/her via the webpage, in accordance with the dictates of Law, Morality, good practices and public order, as well as the terms stipulated under the present Regulations governing use. As a consequence, he/she is under the express obligation not to use the www.palladiumweddings.com webpage or its services for illicit ends or effects or contrary to the terms established under the present Regulations governing use, or breach rights or third-party interests that, in any way, may damage the www.palladiumweddings.com webpage or prevent it from being used normally.

FIESTA HOTELS & RESORTS, S.L. may, in order to improve the operation of its webpage and for the benefit of its users, unilaterally modify, at any moment and without prior warning, the offered services or any substantial aspect of the current webpage, or the technical and operational conditions or conditions of use of the services in www.palladiumweddings.com, being free of all responsibility that could arise from the aforementioned changes.

Access to any kind of content in the www.palladiumweddings.com webpage does not imply any right whatsoever to its reproduction and/or distribution in total or partial and this is not permitted without the prior consent of FIESTA HOTELS & RESORTS, S.L.

Protection of private user information by Fiesta Hotels & Resorts,S.L.
FIESTA HOTELS & RESORTS, S.L., agrees to comply with current legislation in force applying to the automated handling of data and, in particular, Constitutional Law 15/99, on December 13, regarding the Protection of Personal Data and the sending of commercial communications by electronic means is made pursuant to Law 34/2002 of 11 July, of the Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

All personal information provided by our clients, taking into account the privacy policy of this website, are strictly necessary to provide the selected service and will be included in an automated file created and maintained under the responsibility FIESTA HOTELS & RESORTS, S.L. (CIF B-45010808), the society that commercially operates the PALLADIUM brand and manages this website. The file will be entered in the General Register of the Spanish Agency of Data Protection.

The main purpose of this file is to maintain a business relationship with our customers, statistical studies as well as the sending of advertisements of our products and services.

Confidentiality of the supplied information is assured and guaranteed not to be used for any other purposes without previous and written consent of our clients.

The owners of the data at all times have right to access the file and exercise their rights of rectification, cancellation and opposition in the terms included in the data protection legislation. One may exercise these rights by giving written notice to Marketing Department, Avda. Bartolomé Roselló, 18, 07800- Ibiza (Balearic Islands), indicating the responsible address as Ivonne Schmieder or for your convenience, by email at marketing2@fiestahotelgroup.com.

Links to third part content
FIESTA HOTELS & RESORTS, S.L. has no control over, nor does it accept any responsibility for, the information contained in third-party WebPages which are accessed via links. The presence of these links in the www.palladiumweddings.com webpage is of a purely informative nature and under no circumstance will it be considered to be a suggestion, invitation or recommendation of the said links.

Guarantee and interruption of services
FIESTA HOTELS & RESORTS, S.L. does its utmost to maintain the continuity of the services and information offered through its www.palladiumweddings.com webpage. Nevertheless, it cannot guarantee the continuity and availability of these services in the future.
FIESTA HOTELS & RESORTS, S.L. will not be held responsible for any damage or loss of any kind which may be attributable to the incorrect operation or lack of availability of the www.palladiumweddings.com webpage and its related communication systems, due to causes of force majeure or the interruption or interference in the information transference networks.

Contact information
You may contact us through:

PALLADIUM HOTEL GROUP - Customer Service Dpt.
Avenida Bartolomé Roselló, 18, 07800 Ibiza (Balearic Islands), Spain
E-mail : acliente@fiestahotelgroup.com

Applicable Jurisdiction
www.palladiumweddings.com is governed by Spanish law, and in order to resolve any dispute that may arise with users, with respect to conditions of use and any other claim relating to the content and services of the webpage, these disputes will be submitted to the Judges and Courts of Ibiza, and will be interpreted in compliance with Spanish Law, the parties expressly renouncing their own jurisdiction or any other that may correspond to them.